July 26, 2007

Winnipeg Humane Society

Please copy and paste the link below into your web browser to view this compelling story about a dog named Sassy who came in to the Winnipeg Humane Society with her muzzle duct taped shut.


The Winnipeg Humane Society never solicits donors through e-mail but felt it was necessary to tell the story of Sassy - a dog who has scars to show the abuse and neglect she endured. These scars will last a lifetime but the process of healing the scars on the inside has already started thanks to generous donors like yourself. Your generous gift helps animals like Sassy to get a second chance at life.

Please consider sending in your support. Donation forms are available to download or you can donate on-line! As always your donations mean the world and your support allows us tocontinue our work here caring for the animals.

I decided to donate last night after having read this story. The thing is, I've been thinking about it on and off ever since my brother, Perry, bought me a book called Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul. There are so many unfortunate dogs (animals) out there that need our help. If not our time, at least our financial help. I look at my dog and I thought, I'm so fortunate that Minx is in my life. What about all those other wonderful animals that are being abused and abandoned? It's easy to drop a tear after hearing about these stories and then forget about it but for all of you who have animals as family members, haven't they blessed your life? It's your turn to bless their lives. I'm sure you can afford $5/month = $60/month, which is the amount I made and will continue to make, annually. Join me. Help them.


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